excited!!! whee~
when going i was feel excited.,
thking what will we do at there...
and can meet long time no c de
a gong!!!
wahahahah..lol.., sampat@@
happy!!! lol
i reach jj i saw sy's car thr...
thking wana use bridge o run cross over the road..,
thn c dao ppl run i ma follow run loh....ahahahha
get on the car.., jian leng bought us present from overseas....
1 is mic geh <3 |
then we sing in the car.., lalalalalala
we wana eat nasi lemak geh..
bt x open jugak..><
i x boleh pakai geh...
x beritahu sy need to turn which side..
but luckily he turn the right side...
a bo...我罪该万死。。>,<
gt 1 si ka zua was crossing the road...
sy saw le advoid it..
bt no use also..><
behind sy's car de saga..
roll over the si ka zua de head.,
YIAK!!!!! it tail just like jump up...><
but i din x nampak....lol
reach thr le we walk to the beach thr...
before play we eat dekat 1 burgers stall..,
wah.., the sea breeze...
wow wow wow!!!
shuang dao yao si o!!!
bt after that nt breeze le.., is STRONG WIND!!!
like gona become tai feng@@
the atap almost fly away..lol
fed up!! ish!
i order burger biasa.., they order double punye..
when eating.., wabiang..
those flies hoh!!! ish!!!
semakin banyak!
the flies stop on my burger 2 times!! ish!!
1st time it stand le i jiu x makan le..
2nd x care lah.., wont die also..lol!!
who said de?
those flies was make me FED UP!!!
and my shirt kena chili sos!!! ISH ISH ISH!!!!
and they told me 1 story..thats nt story loh!!!
x give up!!!
after eat we go buy 3 kites!!!
at 1st.., we buy 1 kite...
a gong and sy was thking which 1 to buy..
jl and yc buy ice cream...
a gong buy 1 le ply awhile sy go buy 1 more kite and ply
1st a gong ply.., bt the string haven use until the end..,
the kite and the string was fly away and stuck on a tree...
sy buy le ply v js..
thn yc and jl also buy 1 and ply...
jl knw hw to ply kite geh....li hai...
when the kite fly in the sky..feel like u also flying geh@@
lol...thn i ply awhile...wakakaka
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wow!! i love this pica!!! <3 |
c!! hw high it fly!!lol
*actually jl let it fly high high geh*
sy buy dao noob de kite...so it hard to fly...
finally gt fly lah bt fly awhile thn jatuh balik...lol
js x putus asa pun..we plying mud thr le he still wan try to let the kite fly....
thn ply till sien ad they release their hand and let the kites free....
then we start to ply water....<3
cnt explain de hapinees!!! whee~
play water!! i was waiting this moment!!!
all like kinna...i splash u u splash me..
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wakakakakak!! kolian o |
ahahahaha!! i x enuf tenaga to splash bak...
splash le also x kena..><
js x main.., so he b the cameraman...ahahahah...
we drink dao some sea water..
walao!! damn salty o...@@
then we make something on chun body..
phew phew~~~
wakakaka..pica lei...susah nak upload sini...whee~
yc bring some crab and bla bla bla bak..
semua dah mati...left 1 crab yg kecik yg tengah mati..=X
thr de sand when touch le feel comfy..
smooth and soft...
chun bring some bak...ahahaha...
bring all lap sap bak...if me my mom sure scold ad...lol
after that we go bath...
before bak we wrote our name on the beach..and take pica too..
here!! ^^
before bak we wrote our name on the beach..and take pica too..
here!! ^^
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蔡杰伸 |
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叶振宁 |
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徐孝业 |
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刘元俊 |
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last!!洪凯茹 whee~ |
while bathing.,
i heard dao next door de girl say:
"walao! my skin vry dark!!
chao da ad!!! omg!! die lah this time!!"
then i c my own skin..
omg! me too@@
hungry & tired@@
after bath.., we wan eat ikan bakar bt x open...
we go buy ice blended...
quick nice geh....
we walk till seaside sit down and drink....\
1 malau was waiting for our drinks @@
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THIS!!! |
after they finish le the monkey go open the cover 1 by 1 ...
clever dao...
im the last bt x habis pun..so..
at the end i bagi malau drink..wahahaha...
it bring go up the tree..lol
after that we saw gt big hermit crab de shell that cn let ppl to take photo geh...
i take dao 1 !!!
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ahhah!! my hair messy@@ |
then after that we jiu bak le lu...
xia shui & wired@@
we go jjr eat..., wakakaka..,
we eat bah kut teh..,
while talking..,
forgot talk dao what perompak le...lol
thn i x sengaja piak dao the cawan..
the tea almost kena my pants。。
so i push it away then it roll to js thr... wakakaka.., almost kena.lol
lucky x pecah...><
after eat they fetch me go bus stop and i drive my motor bak...lol
they follow behind me.... feel like wired wired geh...coz i x pernah ada org ikut behind me lei...><
then reach hme le their turn to bak loh...hahaha...
sy was sick...kelian....TT
930 he jz reach home...
hoh!!! END!!!
our 1 day trip!!!
go bak le forgot to help my dad buy toto result de ppr pula..
they in front bak i behind out...lol
today morning compare hand v my cousin..><
1 small 1 big..,1 dark 1 fair..wakakaka |
it was unforgettable and syok and happy and erm...
x tahu...gt a lot of feelings inside!!!
HAV FUN DEY!!!!!!!!!!!
HAV FUN DEY!!!!!!!!!!!